
12:59 PM (3 hours ago)
to bcc: me
Dear Friends

Can I ask all of you for a bit of help? 

My art agent in Germany has recently put her gallery, ACC Art, on an online site, for art collectors, called Artsy. In order for the gallery and us as individual artists, to gain as much exposure and recognition as possible, we need to increase the amount of followers the gallery has and we each have. It's still early days for her gallery so it would be a huge help if you would be willing to follow the gallery and follow me ;-) (Equally, if you don't want to do this of course I completely understand). 
You can do this by clicking on the two links below. You may need to register on the site first but it's worth it, they send really interesting articles about the art world.  

Thank you so, so much.🙆 

Zoe xx

Zoë Landau Konson
Artist ~ Designer



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